Having a yard for the kids to play in

Having a yard for the kids to play in

  • Numerous Reasons Why a Pergola Would Be Beneficial to Your Property

    Living in Australia affords you pleasant weather a majority of the time during the year. However, if you do not have an exterior living space, you may find it quite difficult to enjoy nature and the outdoors, as you will not have any shelter from the sun or light showers. Luckily, there are numerous types of structures that you could choose to construct. Your choice of exterior structure would largely depend on the space available to you as well as your budget.

  • Kitchen Renovations That Could Actually Add Value to Your Home

    When you're renovating any area of your home, you may not be worried about how those changes will affect the home's overall value; if you're not planning on moving any time soon, you may just want a renovation that suits you in particular and aren't worried about what future homebuyers will think of those changes. However, if you are worried about how a kitchen renovation itself will affect a home's value, note a few important tips to consider, and then discuss these with a real estate agent to get more information if needed.

  • Tips for Choosing Privacy Screens for Outdoor Use

    If you have a deck or patio that you tend to avoid using because it's so close to your neighbours, or it gets a bit too much sun during summertime, you might want to consider adding some privacy screens or blinds. These are an easy installation that can add style and privacy to that space, reduce noise from a nearby roadway, and give you some protection from high winds and light rains.

  • Modern Features You Need to Include in Your Custom Home

    When working with a custom homebuilder, you have the chance to create a space that works specifically for you and your family in a variety of ways. This includes making the home safe, relaxing, inviting and as functional as possible. Note a few ways to do this so you know some features to discuss with your custom homebuilder before plans are ever drawn up. Security Your home's security should include more than just a stripped-down alarm system; talk to your homebuilder about individual and internal alarms that are connected to your smart phone, for example.

  • Guidance on Growing Trees in Containers

    Although growing a tree in a container may offer a great deal of convenience down the line, there are a number of factors to consider before you take this course of action. A tree that is planted in the ground, for example, will not require any re-potting or regular feeding. However, a tree that is in a container can be moved around easily and relocated without necessarily damaging the plant's root system.

2023© Having a yard for the kids to play in
About Me
Having a yard for the kids to play in

I knew that the moment we bought a house with a decent yard I'd be ready to start having kids. I loved playing outside as a kid and since we've been in this house I think the kids spend nearly as much time outside as they do outside. That lawn has seen my babies crawl, my toddlers start walkings, the kids kicking balls around and playing chasey all afternoon. Keeping the lawn soft and green is so important to me as it let's us spend all that time outside. I'm always looking for ways to make it feel and look soft and green.