Having a yard for the kids to play in

Having a yard for the kids to play in

  • 5 Considerations For a Backyard Wedding Reception

    Your wedding day should be the most special day of your life, from beginning to end. Once the nerves of the ceremony are out of the way, it is time to let your hair down and celebrate your nuptials with your friends, family, and loved ones. And what could make the reception party more special than by hosting it in your own back garden? Instead of finding yourself in an unfamiliar space, you'll be able to celebrate in the home you will share as husband and wife.

  • Troubleshooting Tips Every New Lawn Mower Owner Should Know

    Congratulations on the ownership of your first lawn mower. Mowing the lawns yourself will save having to pay someone else to do it, and you can burn off 259 calories an hour while you're pushing the mower around the garden. Unfortunately, lawn mowers don't always work exactly as they should. So, if you're having a few problems getting your mower to start, have a look at this list to see if you can diagnose your mower woes yourself.

  • Increase Your Storage: How to Build a Pole Barn Extension on an Existing Shed

    If you need a bit of extra storage space, you can easily build a pole-barn extension next to your existing shed. The pole-barn style of storage building is so easy to create that it is renowned for being able to be built by a single person. Even if you don't have building experience, you can tackle this simple design. Here's what you need to do. 1. Clear the ground and decide how wide you want your extension to be

  • Four Kitchen Design Tips To Ease Your Arthritis

    Unfortunately, summer is now over, and the colder days of winter are on their way. For the 18.5% of the Australian population that deals with arthritis on a daily basis, winter means aching joints and painful flare-ups. Now that you are planning a kitchen redesign for your home, these four tips will help to reduce the amount of ongoing pain you have to put up with because of your arthritis condition.

  • Here Comes Winter: Three Tips To Help Your Fibreglass Pool Survive The Chill

    Winter is coming to Australia, so unless you are a fan of chilly dips, it is time to get your swimming pool ready for the colder months ahead. As a new fibreglass pool owner, you have not attended to this task before. Here are three important tips you need to know to make sure your pool survives the dip in temperatures that are on their way. To Drain Or Not To Drain

2024© Having a yard for the kids to play in
About Me
Having a yard for the kids to play in

I knew that the moment we bought a house with a decent yard I'd be ready to start having kids. I loved playing outside as a kid and since we've been in this house I think the kids spend nearly as much time outside as they do outside. That lawn has seen my babies crawl, my toddlers start walkings, the kids kicking balls around and playing chasey all afternoon. Keeping the lawn soft and green is so important to me as it let's us spend all that time outside. I'm always looking for ways to make it feel and look soft and green.